Telemedicine visits can be done from your computer, phone or tablet -- as long as the device has a camera and internet connection, you should be good to go!
Telemedicine visits can be done from your computer, phone or tablet -- as long as the device has a camera and internet connection, you should be good to go!
Appointments Notifications
When an online appointment is created, you will automatically receive a text message and email notifying you of your appointment. In this message, you will see the date, time, provider, and a link to the actual telemedicine visit.
Be sure to take note of the “Meeting ID”. If you were ever accidently dropped from a telemedicine visit, you may have to enter the Meeting ID.
Downloading ZOOM
Once you click on your telemedicine URL, you will be directed to another page where you will be prompted to download the Zoom app. For a better telemedicine experience, we highly recommend downloading the app.
Telemedicine Tips
• Find a place with a good wifi connection
• Try using headphones with a mic for better audio quality
• Select a quiet environment to talk